Maserati has postponed the official launch of its seventh generation Quatroporte and there are already doubts about whether or not it should appear in showrooms scheduled for 2025.
New seventh generation Maserati Quattroporte is 100% electric!
Interestingly, the new generation will be built at parent company Stellantis’ Mirafiori factory in Turin, Italy. However, for those who like combustion engines, know that this battery-powered model should replace at least the Quattroporte predecessor with a V8 engine, as well as even the Ghibli model.

Maserati moves away from 2025 launch date
Well, the new information is confirmed by the company itself, which has already announced that it now has the plan “on hold”. What is the reason? Maseratti decided to postpone its first 100% electric vehicle due to the need to reduce the recurring risks inherent in choosing this technology.
After all, we are talking about models that combine luxury with performance and here the intention is to maintain this. Probably with some durability in the mix. Therefore, there is still a need to further evolve and develop the technology before it goes to market.
The price!
Another reason is clear, the price, the company is still in negotiations with suppliers with the intention of reducing the costs of the entire process by around 6%.
Therefore, know that this Italian company is investing heavily in electrification in the right way. After all, it wasted no time in postponing its new offers with the intention of improving costs, efficiency and performance of the final variants. A plan that the company intends to completely resolve by 2030, where the company wants to obtain an exclusively electric line for the market.
Furthermore, what do you think about the future 100% electric Maserati Quattroporte? Share your opinion on the company’s decision to delay EV models in the comments below.