The Japanese broadcaster Tokyo MX announced this Friday (17) that the manga Plus-Sized Misadventures in Love (Debu to Love to Ayamachi to!), created by Mamakari, will...
A Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures announced in a statement this Friday (17) that Dune: Part 2 had its early release in theaters in two weeks,...
During the Anime NYC it was announced that the new season of Tower of God will arrive in mid-2024, with transmission guaranteed by Crunchyroll and a...
The anime Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai should have debuted this Saturday (18) in the catalog of Netflix like this indicated on a created page...
On the first day of Anime NYC 2023it was announced that the manga The Magical Girl and The Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies (Katsute Mahou...
Naver Webtoon / Disclosure During the AnimeNYC 2023the streaming platform Crunchyroll announced the adaptation of the manhwa True Beauty for anime, scheduled for release in 2024....
The soundtrack to the first three Dragon Age titles will be released on vinyl in December, but some customers received their records early. It turned out...