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Gmail inbox for Android has something new!



Your Gmail inbox is a jumble of important emails, account alerts, newsletters you never read, and spam. And sometimes those annoying marketing emails sneak in, either because you carelessly provided your email address to some website or because someone got their hands on your email. Fortunately, there are easy ways to mute them all, especially if you’re using Gmail on a computer. However, on mobile, the unsubscription process is a headache. So you have to scroll to the bottom of the email, look at the tiny text and look for the “Unsubscribe” link. But Google may soon make this process less cumbersome.

Gmail inbox for Android has something new!

Apparently, Google is planning to make it easier to unsubscribe from unwanted promotional emails. This is done by adding a clearly visible “Unsubscribe” button next to the sender information. How does AssembleDebug TheSpAndroid noted, this feature is being worked on for the latest versions of Gmail on Android. This should make the process of unsubscribing from promotional emails that clog your inbox much quicker and simpler.

Gmail on your computer has had this feature since 2014. When it finds an unsubscribe link in a message, it places its own unsubscribe link at the top, next to the sender’s email address. Just click the “Unsubscribe” button and you’ll be free from unwanted promotional emails in no time.

However, on your phone, you will have to tap the three-dot menu to find the unsubscribe option. If the sender is kind enough to provide an easy way to unsubscribe, you will find the text “Unsubscribe” in the menu. Alternatively, you’ll have to embark on a treasure hunt, looking for the small and sometimes fake unsubscribe link that’s usually buried at the bottom of the email. Either way, the process isn’t exactly simple.

A button that appears automatically

According to AssembleDebug, this prominent “Unsubscribe” button will automatically appear on emails from which you can unsubscribe. Imagine the relief, especially with every store and website on the planet constantly searching for your email. However, it is not yet officially known when this functionality will be implemented.

But Google isn’t limited to the unsubscribe button. It also appears to be preparing a new predictive navigation feature. It doesn’t require any special configuration to activate, but will only work on devices running Android 14, according to AssembleDebug on Telegram.

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