
What is the cheapest foldable smartphone you can buy?



It’s not news to anyone that the launch price of any product, especially on the Android side of the smartphone world, is exactly that “the launch price”. Contrary to what happens on Apple’s side, the prices of an Android smartphone usually drop sharply after the first 2 or 3 months on the market, and of course, they suffer a more abrupt drop when a new generation hits the shelves.

As you can imagine, things are no different on the foldable smartphone side, and thankfully that is the case! After all, in the same way that it starts to make perfect sense to look at last year’s top smartphones instead of buying the “latest” on the market, you can do exactly the same on the foldable side. This makes perfect sense! Especially if you have any concerns about the durability and resistance of the mechanism that gives life to the folding screen.

Let’s see how the market is?

What is the cheapest foldable smartphone you can buy?

Therefore, as you may know, the foldable smartphone market is dominated in Europe by Samsung, more specifically by its range of Galaxy Z devices (Z Fold and Z Flip), a range that still does not come close to the number of sales that the Galaxy Note were able to offer before the foldable craze, but they continue to grow at their own pace in the gigantic mobile device ecosystem of the modern world.

However, although we are not talking about the same type of device as a traditional smartphone, the reality is that these Samsung foldables end up suffering from the same problem that plagues all other Android smartphones on the market. In other words, as time passes, its price begins to plummet.

This is bad for those who like to sell their smartphone after 1 or 2 years in order to make the leap to a more recent model. However, it is incredible for those who want a quality device, different from everything else, at a lower price.

An excellent example is the Galaxy Z Flip 4 and 5, the two most recent foldable “Flip” devices to hit shelves from Samsung!

After all, the first is available on the Portuguese market just over €540. This while the most recent model, which hit the shelves very close to €1200 is now €760.

What are the diferences?

Samsung Flip Generation Difference

I’m very honest, for this price difference I would always go for Samsung’s latest foldable. After all, the Z Flip5 already closes completely, has a large external screen, and is overall a more beautiful and durable device. It also brought major improvements to the camera system, which make this super compact foldable device a serious high-end smartphone.

However, for €540, the Z Flip4 isn’t bad either!

Being an excellent way to get your feet wet in the still small but always so interesting beach of foldable smartphones. Especially because at this point Samsung had already made the leap to Qualcomm Snapdragon processors! As such, this is one of the “snappiest” devices that you will have the pleasure of using in your daily life.

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