Flying Taxi and TVDE? – This may seem like something out of any science fiction movie, but if packages delivered by drones have been a reality for some time in some regions of the planet, it’s time to prepare for a whole new level of transportation for the world. your day-to-day life.
Yes, it’s time to start getting used to the idea of Flying Taxis, or Flying Ubers. It’s probably something that will take a few years to reach Portugal, but in France? It will happen in 2024 for the Olympic games.
Flying taxi and TVDE? Reality in 2024!
Volocopter is one of the companies that has invested most in the idea!
So, in case you don’t know, for many long years we have had many different companies trying to achieve the dream of the flying car, or at the very least, a simple and efficient helicopter.
Having said all this, there are still some challenges and barriers to overcome, but development has reached a completely new level in 2023, and it seems that there are already alternatives ready to “fly”! This is exactly why there are plans to open the first commercial services in 2024, with a big focus on 2025.
There remain some questions regarding price, sustainability of such services, and obviously safety. Still, regulators now appear more convinced. However, as you can imagine, initially it will be a “super premium” service, which only the richest will be able to afford.
In short, the first Taxi flights will begin in France, more specifically in Paris, just in time for the 2024 Summer Olympics. Initially on routes between Versailles and airports in Paris.
Is this the future of urban mobility? Let’s all fly instead of riding on 2 or 4 wheels? Share your opinion with us using the comments box below.