
Hajime Tabata announces an RPG for adults



JP Gamesthe recent development studio led by Hajime Tabatain collaboration with the Quantum Solutionsan artificial intelligence development and sales company announced the game SHALLAH, an “RPG for adults”. This is still a working title for a game that portrays a fierce battle of magic and sorcery and a love story between a human and a goddess set in an “epic world” that incorporates the tale of the Arabian Nights. The launch is planned worldwide for systems yet to be revealed.

A JP Games will be responsible for the global planning and development of SHALLAH and will develop the game through its patented middleware as “Pegasus World Kit”, while Quantum Solutions will own the intellectual property and provide the support necessary to maximize the strengths of the JP Games in the development of content based on its “know-how” in terms of designing world views, technology and game design.

Hajime Tabata said the following during a press release:

Quantum Solutions recently offered to work with us on a joint game project and we have started development on the RPG SHALLAH, which we have been planning for some time. I will be involved in the development and commercial aspects of the project as a producer. The game will be officially announced when it is further developed, and will be JP Games’ first major title, so stay tuned.

Mark Punkthe president of Quantum Solutions added:

AI and quantum computing are highly compatible with game development and will be able to change characters’ behavior in real time to provide a more challenging gaming experience for players. Furthermore, the AI ​​will be able to recognize players’ emotions and provide appropriate reactions to the game for a more immersive experience. AI and quantum computing are going to be a huge leap forward in game development, and I’m excited to work with JP GAMES to co-develop SHALLAH.

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