
New trailer for Sympathy Kiss



A Idea Factory International uploaded a new trailer to your YouTube channel Sympathy Kissa game that will be released on February 27, 2024 for Nintendo Switch.

In the description of Sympathy Kiss we can read:

It’s been about a year since Akari Amasawa started his new job as a designer at Estario, a company that creates mobile device applications. Although he doesn’t hate his job, he doesn’t love it either. After your annual performance review, you are given the opportunity to join the Estarci team.

The Estarci application, which gives the company its name, is a news application that made waves when it was launched, but has been overtaken by rival applications, including applications from Estario itself. Management decided to give the application one last chance before closing it for good. Akari and all her colleagues will have to do their best to save the application.

Will Akari find true love? Will she discover what she wants to do with her life? Will the application be closed? Wait, did Akari only get this opportunity because the company was looking for an excuse to fire her?!

Business and pleasure come together in Sympathy Kiss, a rousing office romance mixed with everyday drama!

Main features

First Person: You are an office worker in modern-day Japan – Explore your career opportunities and deal with up to six romantic interests. Put yourself in the shoes of a Japanese professional, with total immersion in a contemporary workplace and discover the fantasies of the community room.

Call or send a message if you need! – Increase productivity or participate in office games: keep in touch with characters who can be girlfriends with the RiNG system. Respond to messages and receive calls from your favorite romantic interests.

Show your emotions – some decisions require you to express what you are feeling through the Emotion Choice system. Choose two of five emotions: Happiness, anger, discomfort, sadness and indifference. The emotions you choose can influence future conversations. Your romantic interests will always take your emotions into consideration.

Happy work is productive work! – use the Love/Work system when making decisions to balance your social and work life. Increase your work or love points with each decision you make and choose whether you want to prioritize your career or your love life. This will influence the outcome of your narrative and the ending.

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