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Movies and series for today? Use ChatGPT now!



Many people already remember ChatGPT for many things. In fact, it can be of great help in several fields. However, very few have used it to find large productions. However, the truth is that this artificial intelligence system can be a great expert in this field. So we’re going to tell you how you can use ChatGPT to watch the best films and series for today.

Movies and series for today? Use ChatGPT now!

In fact, ChatGPT can be an excellent advisor when it comes to films or series. Of course, in this field, anyone who has ChatGTP Plus has even more advantages as they are connected to the Internet. In the non-paid version, knowledge only lasts until 2021. In other words, many productions will be left out.

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How artificial intelligence can help

Did you just watch the latest episode of “Stranger Things”, or any other movie you liked? Now you need similar TV shows, but Google continues to come up with suggestions that turn your stomach. How do you discover TV programs similar to the one you just watched? ChatGPT can help you find the perfect content to watch next.

With its huge collection of detailed movie and TV show information, getting ChatGPT to suggest movies similar to the ones you love is easy. Just tell ChatGPT the name of the film, the elements you like and the elements you don’t like and it will suggest similar films or series that match your tastes.

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You can indicate which series and films you liked the most. You can also say what you liked most about them. For example, a ship fight or something similar. Then just ask for recommendations for similar films or series.

Ask for something different

But ChatGPT does much more than show us films and series similar to what we like. In fact, we can say that we are fed up with one type of content and ask for something completely different.

In addition to this, we can also ask ChatGPT to identify films with the desired plot.

Let’s say you need a television show with a female protagonist who is underestimated at first, but goes through personal growth to emerge as a force to be reckoned with later in the film. If you tell ChatGPT that, it will present you with similar content.

In other words, ChatGPT can be a great help in finding films and series that you will really like. This is true for both Netflix and any other streaming platform.

You can access ChatGPT on this link.

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