Whether it’s the idea that dishwashers cost more than washing by hand, or that using an electric oven is expensive, there are real myths that people follow but shouldn’t. In practice, this will not reduce your electricity bill!
Appliances: be careful this will not reduce your electricity bill!
Dishwashers cost more than washing by hand
Between a dishwasher and washing dishes by hand, there is only one economic winner: the dishwasher. Washing dishes by hand accounts for four percent of the average household’s water consumption, while dishwashers account for just one percent.
This includes washing the dishes while leaving the tap running, a common mistake that leads to more families running out of money to pay their energy bills.

Using a dishwasher also helps ensure that the water is at the right temperature to clean your dishes thoroughly.
There is a common misconception that the ecological cycle consumes more energy because it takes a little longer to complete a cycle.
In fact, each eco-friendly setting washes dishes at lower temperatures and uses much less water. This means that, on average, economic functions consume 30 percent less energy and water compared to a normal function.
Clothes dryers are too expensive
When comparing tumble dryers to outdoor drying, a common myth is that tumble dryers are unprofitable and add huge costs to bills.

However, according to experts this is simply not true. A heat pump tumble dryer costs, on average, 63 cents per cycle. In other words, depending on the machines this will not be a fortune.
Using an electric oven is expensive
Many families are reluctant to buy a electric oven for fear that it could cost a fortune in electricity, but according to experts, these consume much less energy than you think.

On average, an electric oven represents just eight percent of your home’s total electricity bill, a tiny fraction if we consider that a refrigerator represents around 30 percent.
However, it is always good to be careful when using the oven, as you don’t want to waste energy unnecessarily.
Home appliances do not consume energy in standby mode
A common myth is that household appliances do not consume energy in standby mode. Unfortunately, this is false. When an appliance such as a television or microwave is in standby mode, it continues to consume a considerable amount of electricity.

Instead, turn off the plug at the switch or simply pull it out to make sure your appliances are not turned on.
Alternatively, you can turn to smart home technology, which will allow you to control your appliances with the simple click of a button. Keep an eye on standby mode and you will notice a change in your electricity bills.