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Barbie is no longer the most watched film on HBO Max



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After regaining leadership, “Barbie” was once again dethroned from the top of the most watched films on HBO Max. And the culprit is this Portuguese film.

“Barbie” He hasn’t been having his best days lately. After injustices occurred in Oscarsthe film once again left the top place it occupied in the most watched films in platform HBO Max since January 22nd.

This proves that the leadership created, perhaps by the buzz and anticipation of the Academy’s nominations, ended up being harmed by the somewhat disappointing result for the cultural phenomenon led by Greta Gerwig.

© Cinemamundo

As we have already realized, there is a very interesting dispute to understand who occupies the throne of the most watched films on HBO Max. Upon its arrival on the platform on December 15th, the film starring Margot Robbie quickly managed to stand out and dethrone the first “Aquaman”.

However, in early January, the pink reign was unexpectedly interrupted per “The Little Things” (“The Little Things”)”, in John Lee Hancock (“A possible dream“). The change in hierarchy occurred with the debut of “The Sibyl“, in Eduardo Brito (“Penúmbria”) which soon rose to the top of the Portuguese preferences. It was then that “Barbie” surprised and regained its rightful place: leadership, dethroning the Portuguese film.

However, it has always been said that he who laughs last, laughs best. According to the Flixpatrolthe film shot in Portugal returned to first place, showing that the end of his reign was short-lived.

© Leopardo Filmes

With distribution and production of Leopard Films and support from RTPThe Sibyl” is a historical drama that adapts the novel of the same name by Agustina Bessa-Luís which portrays the relationship between a young writer and her aunt, vibrant characters inspired by real figures, living in the northern interior of Portugal in the mid-20th century. Feelings of jealousy, admiration and the complex magnetism between two strong women are magnificently portrayed by the great Portuguese writer in her most iconic book, adapted to film with great precision. This portrays the relationship between two strong women and the process of creating an emblematic national romance.

In its cast are names like Maria João Pinho, Joana Ribeiro, Madalena Aragão, Sandra Faleiro, Rui Neto, Emilia Silveste or Ana Padrão.

Also available in a miniseries version divided into three episodes, “A Sibila” was on the list of most watched Portuguese films in cinema in 2023 and continues to be a great success with the Portuguese public now on the HBO Max platform.


And you, have you seen “The Sibyl” on HBO Max?

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