You smartphones They are expensive and fragile devices, which is not a great combination and so people resort to covers. That’s why there is a huge market for accessories to protect these valuable devices. The problem is that they often deceive and don’t offer the protection they should. This leaves users with a false sense of security. So if you are going to change your cell phone cover, be careful with this!
If you are going to change your cell phone case, be careful with this!
In fact, several people recommend that as soon as we buy a smartphone Let’s also bet on a cover. However, some are more effective than others.

Covers come in many different designs, colors and materials. Some look great but don’t provide much protection, and the opposite can also be true. There are tons of options for most smartphones but we need to be careful.
Plastic, silicone and rubber are the most popular materials for covers and they can be used in very different ways. There are hard plastic covers and soft, flexible ones. You’ll also find varying thicknesses and different features like extra padding in the corners and around the camera.
Pay attention to thickness
This is something you should keep in mind when buying a cheap cover. One that is too thin will not save your smartphone if it falls directly into a corner. However, a cover that has extra padding around the edges will probably do the trick.

However, not all covers are intended to provide protection. Some just add some extra grip or give the equipment more style. Still, many people assume that using any cover is better than having none. However this is not always true.
Absorbing bumps is one of the biggest things a case can do to protect your smartphone. So having some rubber is absolutely essential.

It’s just that some materials seem to be very durable, but they may not be. Carbon fiber is a term that people associate with hard, resistant materials. However, this does not mean that a cover made of this material will save your smartphone. In fact, many carbon fiber covers are so thin that they don’t offer much absorption in the event of a fall.
So which cover should I choose?
This depends on the type of protection you want. If you’re simply looking to prevent your smartphone from getting unsightly scratches, any thin case will work. For many people, this is enough. However, nothing protects our investment better than a thick cover. Above all, it’s a good idea to have some extra protection in the corners.

All this to tell you that covers are not the saviors we tend to think they are. Most of the time they are purely decorative. So it’s better to spend a little more than waste money repairing the screen or the back of the smartphone.