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WhatsApp is about to receive the third blue tick



Users: 207

WhatsApp is preparing to introduce a third blue tick! However, not all users will be pleased.

O Whatsapp, the most used instant messaging platform in the world, is no longer limited to messages, voice and/or video calls, but also to sharing multimedia content such as photos or videos. It already has features such as States, Communities and Broadcast Lists, valuable tools for both personal and professional use.

However, the application of Goal does not stop and continues to implement new functionalities! So, in the last few days we learned that you made available a tool for Artificial intelligence which rivals the ChatGPT. Furthermore, it is also already in operation one of the most requested features by many millions of users.

Thus, after several years with the already iconic double blue visawhich is only shown to those who have the read receipt option activated and which means that the message has already been read, Mark Zuckerberg prepare a new change!


WhatsApp now allows you to transfer conversation history to another phone
Photo by jorge_henao15 on © Pixabay

This is because a third blue visa. However, after learning that WhatsApp is considering including advertising In the app, there is another new feature that may not be very well received by all users…

The new functionality What WhatsApp is preparing to offer is to alert users that a screenshot has been taken (printscreen) of the conversation. A tool will be available for both individual and group conversations. That said, whenever a screenshot of the conversation is taken, the third blue tick will appear.

What do you think of this news? Do you usually make a lot of prints?

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