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Apple fought a Herculean “fight” over the introduction and mandatory use of USB-C. Now there is another lost confrontation.
Recently, Apple users received news that will completely change the way they use their devices.
O Windows created an application which allows Apple users to access the brand’s operating system. In other words, through streaming, they can access a remote copy of Windows. Excellent news for those who work with both operating systems. On the other hand, Apple has done everything to keep its ecosystem intact.
In the recent past, the technological giant founded by Steve JobsSteve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976, fought hard against the European Union because of the obligation to introduce entry USB-C in all electronic devices, in order to create a universal cable/input. The cable lightning passed the story.
However, it seems that the “fight” against European Union standards is not over yet. Apple is trying everything to maintain one of the aspects that characterized the App Store.

In this sense the European Union wants Apple to open the App Store and that allows other producers to more easily enter the Apple store.
By doing this, the North American brand will allow sideloading. What is sideloading? Installing a application on a smartphone without using the method distribution officer applications of the device. For Apple, this is the worst thing it can do for consumers but the European Union disagrees.
The decision is not yet final and according to official sources from the technology giant, the brand “expects to make further changes to its activity in the future, particularly as a result of legislative initiatives that affect the App Store”.
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