The anime series adaptation of the manga Jujutsu Kaisen in Gege Akutami was the big winner of the 6th edition of the Global Demand Awards. According...
As promised, this “final” trailer for Final Fantasy VII Rebirtha game that will be released exclusively for PlayStation 5 on February 29th worldwide. Fans will not...
Parasyte: The Gray brings the beloved manga by Hitoshi Iwaaki to life in an all-new setting and story: Korea. Parasitic life-forms that live off of human...
A CD Projekt RED announced that Project Orionthe continuation of Cyberpunk 2077which was announced in October 2022, has added several high-profile members to the game’s development....
O official site from the original anime series Bucchigiri?! revealed that the series will consist of 12 episodes that will later be released in 4 DVD/BD...
According to Kadokawa the 8th and final volume of the manga Fate/Extra CCC by Robina will accompany the release of the 7th volume on March 8,...
A Kadokawa revealed that on March 26th it will publish the 5th and final volume of Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha (The Dreaming Boy Is a Realist),...
This month of February started with a lot of rumors surrounding the Microsoft and its plans to bring its exclusive games to PlayStation 5and now according...
If you like reading manga online you have here an excellent opportunity to buy many volumes of manga from Kodansha at an unbeatable price. O Humble...
Honkai: Star Rail Congratulations, it has now been revealed that the game has surpassed an impressive 100 million downloads! Honkai: Star Rail was released for PC,...