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Winner of two Oscars in the Best Actor category, Tom Hanks, is one of the best actors of all time. Despite never having worked together, the actor considers this Quentin Tarantino film a “masterpiece”.
Tom Hanks was a prolific actor in the 80s/90s of the last century. The iconic North American actor starred in some of the films that remained in the history of the seventh art – “Forrest Gump” (1994), “Cast Away” (2000), “Waiting for a miracle” (1999), “Saving Private Ryan” (1998), “The terminal” (2004), “Philadelphia” (1994), “Captain Philips” (2013), “Big” (1988), among many others.
His performances in “Forrest Gump” and “Philadelphia” earned him the Oscar for Best Leading Actor. Furthermore, throughout his filmography, the actor accumulated almost 10 billion dollars at the box office worldwide, becoming the fourth most profitable actor of all time.
Despite being one of the best actors of all time, he never worked with one of the best directors of all time, Quentin Tarantino.
After the director gives his opinion about the favorite westernThe perfect romantic comedyO ideal counterculture film, your least favorite movie and the least favorite remakeit was Tom Hanks’ turn to choose Quentin Tarantino’s best film.

In an interview given to The New York TimesO legendary actor comments on the Oscar fight between “Forrest Gump” and “Pulp Fiction” in 1994 – “if we had made just one successful film, Bob (Robert Zemeckis) and I would be geniuses. But because we made a blockbuster film, we were diabolical geniuses.”
It was in this same fight that Tom Hanks classified “Pulp Fiction” as a “masterpiece” – “Pulp Fiction is, without a doubt, a masterpiece”.
Furthermore, the actor comments on the sentimentality of “Forrest Gump” – “I don’t know, but there is a moment of undeniable humanity in Forrest Gump when Gary Sinisewho plays Lieutenant Dan, and his Asian wife enter our house on the day Forrest and Jenny get married.”
For you, what is Quentin Tarantino’s best film?