As one of the most awarded actresses ever in the film industry, Meryl Streep broke her own record and made history at the Golden Globe Awards.
Considered by many one of the best actresses of all time, Meryl Streep He is a true chameleon in the art of acting, raising the bar every time he takes the stage or appears on the big or small screen. With one career that spans almost five decadesthe 74-year-old actress holds some of Hollywood’s biggest records when it comes to nominations for major industry awards.
Last Monday, the list of nominees for the 2024 Golden Globe Awards and, without any major surprises, Meryl Streep’s name made history again. So far, the protagonist of “The devil Wears Prada” was the actress with the most Golden Globe nominations, a record she broke when she received her 33rd nomination for the golden statuette.

Meryl Streep’s nomination in 81st edition of the Golden Globe Awards follows her participation in the third season of “Domicile Homicide”, a series in which she plays Loretta Durkin, an actress who takes part in Oliver Putnam’s (Martin Short) play, ending up becoming his love interest. Apparently, the actress will also return in the fourth season of the comedy and mystery series.
Throughout her 33 nominations, Meryl Streep won a Golden Globe on eight different occasions, having won the award for Best Actress in a Drama Film three times – “The French Lieutenant’s Mistress“, “Sophie’s Choice” It is “The iron Lady“. When it comes to comedy or musical films, Streep won the statuette twice after starring in “The devil Wears Prada” It is “Julie & Julia“. Furthermore, he also won twice for his supporting roles in “Kramer vs. Kramer” is at “Unadapted“. On the small screen, Streep won once for her participation in the miniseries “Angels in America“. This is the first time that the actress has been nominated for a secondary television role.
Having debuted on stage in the early seventies, Meryl Streep quickly arrived on Broadway, having stood out in several musicals. Her ability to sing allowed her to later participate in roles more related to music on the big screen, as happened in “Mamma Mia” is at “Florence, an Out of Tom Diva“.
It didn’t take long for Meryl Streep to show the world her versatility as an actress. Still in the same decade, the young Streep participated in the miniseries “Holocaust” which quickly projected it worldwide. In the same year, and with less than five years of career, the actress already saw her name written on the list of Oscar nominees, for her participation in “The hunter“.

Since then, Meryl Streep has had an unparalleled journey in the world of acting, having stood out in the most varied areas of the industry. As such, the actress is also one of the most awarded and, without a doubt, one of the most nominated ever for the highest film awards. Hollywood.
So far, the actress has the record 21 nominations to Oscars, of which he won three times, second only to Katharine Hepburn, who was laureate four times). She also has fourteen nominations for BAFTA3 to Emmys and the historic 33 Golden Globe nominations. Additionally, Meryl Streep has hundreds of nominations for many other industry awards.
Are you a fan of the actress? Who would you like to win the 2024 Golden Globe Award?