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For many, she is the best actress in the history of cinema. However, Meryl Streep took this performance to the “extreme” and didn’t like it at all.
There are several names that marked the representation and raised the bar. Among these names, Meryl Streep stands out.
The legendary actress can fit into any cinematic genre – from comedy to “Mamma Mia” It is “Death Becomes Her” to the more dramatic roles like in “The Hours” It is “Sophie’s Choice”.
The way an actor prepares for a particular role or gets into character can vary greatly, making it a subject of constant debate.
For example, Charlize Theron went to great lengths to prepare for the lead role in “Monster”, to play Aileen Wuornos. Likewise, Meryl Streep took her method of acting to the “extreme” in this iconic film.

It seems that Meryl Streep remained in character, using “The Method”, even after filming the “The devil Wears Prada”. The legendary actress wasn’t nasty with her colleaguesas some turn out to be.
The method of representation comes before the origin of cinema itself. Konstantin Stanislavski, a Russian stage director, developed an elaborate system for preparing his actors – training, preparation and rehearsal techniques. Later, Lee Strasberg adapted this method to cinema, used by several of the best North American actors. This method aims to take the actor’s performance further – it develops emotions and thoughts as if it were the character itself, leading to a more realistic interpretation.
Although his method was considered controversialtaking the actors to the extremeLee Strasberg developed some of the best actors in history – Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, James Dean, Geraldine PagePaul Newman, Eva Marie Saint, Jane Fonda, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman It is Marilyn Monroe.

Even so, Emily Bluntwhich also entered this filmrevealed in EntertainmentWeekly that Meryl Streep maintained a certain distance with the rest of the cast – “it wasn’t like she was inaccessible but I don’t know if it was the most fun for her to be on set like that”.
Later, the actress herself admitted that she didn’t like using this method of representation at all – “It was horrible! I was unhappy in my caravan. I could hear them laughing. I was so depressed! I said, Well, that’s the price you pay for being a boss!”
Have you seen the film? For you, who is the best actress in history?