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One of the best films ever is about to leave Netflix



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This cinematic masterpiece leaves Netflix in the next few hours. The good news is that you still have time to see or review it!

O iconic Tom Hanks is the main protagonist of this great film that abandons Netflix this Thursday, February 15th. This remarkable feature film, winner of six Oscarsincluding Best Film, Best Actor and Best Directoris one of the great masterpieces of cinema. Proof of this is that it has 8.8 in IMDb and, consequently, it is in 10th place in the best rated films of all time. The implementation was carried out by Robert Zemeckis.

Leaving big movies on Netflix is ​​a normal process on any streaming platform. streaming. Content rotation is a common practice to keep the library updated and attractive to subscribers. Although disappointing for many, it is important to realize that this is necessary to maintain the diversity and interest of the catalogue. The good news is that you still have all day to watch or rewatch this one of the most memorable films of the 20th century and which continues to be praised by new generations.


forrest gump netflix
© Paramount Pictures

Forrest Gump” is a simple man, with a low IQ, but with good intentions. Go to infancy running with her best and only friend, Jenny. His ‘mommy’ teaches him the ways of life and lets him choose his destiny. Forrest enlists in the army to serve in the Vietnamwhere he makes new friends like Dan and Bubba, wins medals and creates a famous shrimp fishing fleet.

Throughout his journey, he inspires people to do jogging, becomes a ping pong champion, makes several donations and meets the president several times. However, for Forrest, what really matters is the love by his childhood sweetheart, Jenny Curran. Despite the twists and turns in life, Forrest just wants to prove that anyone can love anyone else.


Do you have Netflix? Have you ever seen this masterpiece?

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