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There are profound changes that will affect users of online buying and selling platforms such as OLX or Vinted.

The main change lies in the obligation to communicate to Finance in the event that your sales total a value greater than Two thousand euros or if you carry out more than thirty annual sales. Although it may seem like a ceiling high, the truth is that for those who sell things regularly, this is bad news.
Just think that for those who have a good computer for sale and one of the iPhone more recent ones, this level will be easily exceeded. The newspaper also points out that, even with the law in force from next year, platforms will be compelled, as early as 2023, to collect and communicate users’ financial data to the Tax. This information will later be passed on to sellers’ tax administrations, signaling tighter control of online transactions.
Do you usually buy and sell things on any of these platforms? Have you already exceeded these limits?