As the festive season approaches, you may have more people at home than usual. This can lead to slower Wi-Fi speeds in your home as the router is put under more stress. So it’s perfectly normal for too many devices at home to overload your Internet. So before welcoming the family you have to change this on the Wi-Fi router.
Christmas: before welcoming the family you have to change this on the Wi-Fi Router
We’re going to tell you what the best thing is to ensure that the Internet works really well and without failures. But before that, there are some things you need to take into account.
When you have a lot of people at home, you should make sure that your router is not overloaded by turning off unused devices. This includes avoiding leaving streaming services running when not in use.
Don’t do this if you want faster wireless Internet at home!
You should also avoid leaving game consoles plugged in and avoid downloading major updates to your devices when you have guests over.
In the meantime, it’s worth updating your Wi-Fi router password to avoid the presence of unwanted guests on your network. Imagine that your neighbor has been using your network? It’s just that having strangers using your Wi-Fi also makes it slower.
But the best thing you can do is turn your router off and back on at the end of the day.
In the era of modern technology, the router is a relatively simple device, but we are talking about a computer. Just as your PC or Mac contains a CPU, memory random access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), and several other components.
3d rendering router with blue wifi sign
This one hardware runs pre-installed software that manages connectivity, security mechanisms, and administration features.
Like any computer, a router can have a wide variety of problems, the vast majority of which are short-term technical issues. If you leave a router running all the time, components can overheat, errors can cause a temporary memory leak, or a simple logic conflict can bring everything to a halt.
For the wide range of simpler connectivity issues, a reboot allows the hardware and software to start over and run the required sequences with a clean registry.
What does restarting do?
A true reset manually disconnects the router from the power source. Then wait 10 to 60 seconds and turn the power back on to initiate a clean boot. This turns off all router hardware and allows the electronic charge to dissipate before restarting the software.
Don’t do this if you want faster wireless Internet at home!
If the router is hot to the touch, a hard reset may also allow the components to cool down. You can leave the device unplugged for more than 60 seconds, giving it more time to cool down. As a general rule, it’s a good idea to regularly restart your router – and leave the device unplugged for a while – to prevent overheating and preserve the life of the components.