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Electricity bill: what you need to use less in the kitchen to save money!



Typically, the equipment that uses the most energy at home is concentrated in the living room and kitchen. After all, they are the ones who are busiest when we are not sleeping. In fact, the kitchen’s contribution to the electricity bill is huge. And there is a very interesting curiosity. Contrary to what we might think, it is not necessarily the larger equipment that uses more. In fact, there is one that is even very small and is a real vampire. energy. So we will tell you which equipment uses the most light in your kitchen. This way you know what you need to use less in the kitchen to pay less on your electricity bill.

Electricity bill: what you need to use less in the kitchen to save money!

There is a surprising issue. In many cases, the smallest devices we have at home are the ones that use the largest amount of watts of energy. For example, an electric water kettle consumes 20 times more watts than a refrigerator. The iron uses an average of 2800 watts. This is 200 times more than your smartphone charger uses.

How much do the most commonly used household appliances in the kitchen spend on average?

In some cases, the values ​​we will reveal below may come as a surprise. This is because we assume that larger equipment uses more, however this is not the case.

First on the list of the most expensive in the kitchen is the 3000W electric kettle. It has a technical tie with the Oven although some can even use more than 3000W. Then the iron with 2800W. Then the most wasteful is the tumble dryer with a consumption of 2500W.

Next comes the washing machine with a consumption of 2200 watts and tied with the dishwasher. Almost glued is the toaster with 2000W of consumption. The microwave consumes around 2000Watts. Next on the list of spenders is the electric fryer (normal or hot air) with a consumption of around 1700W. The refrigerator is the one that stands out most on this list due to its low consumption. So we have 150Watts.

Pay attention to what matches the connection to the sockets

In fact, it does not depend on what is connected but on what each device uses. We can have an extension cord with seven fully occupied sockets without any problems, or another with just two that leaves us in danger. The idea is to always check how many watts each piece of equipment consumes. Then we add up everything that plugs into the socket. If it does not exceed 3000 watts there is no problem. If you exceed the extension cord, it may become hot and there is a risk of fire.

The first example is not combining the washing machine and the dishwasher. I mean, as long as they don’t work at the same time, there’s no problem. Now if they work simultaneously it is more dangerous. This is because both consume around 2200 watts, which together significantly exceeds 3000.

You should also not turn on the electric water kettle and the toaster at the same time. The kettle consumes, as I mentioned above, 3000 watts and the toaster 2000. Once again, I would like to say that if it is used separately there is no problem.

light kitchen

Another thing that you shouldn’t do, despite being a strange combination, is connecting the hairdryer and the iron to the same plug at the same time. The iron consumes 2800 watts and the hair dryer 2200.

kitchen electricity bill

Despite its size, the refrigerator is one of those pieces of equipment that can be more easily shared as it consumes less.

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