Users: 371 The four main streaming platforms received series that have gained a prominent place! During the month of February, the main platforms of streaming...
Users: 497 Quentin Tarantino continues to work on his next film – “The Movie Critic”, but he also took time to reveal his favorite Michael...
Users: 1,520 Prime Video continues to add the best films, including classics and the most recent, to the catalog. But a change comes with the...
Users: 206 WhatsApp has just launched another important feature that will allow you to immediately block unwanted senders. O Whatsapp has more than two billion...
Users: 181 Luca Argentero returns to AXN from February 21st, at 10:50 pm, for the third season of DOC. In this great medical drama he...
Users: 175 This cinematic masterpiece leaves Netflix in the next few hours. The good news is that you still have time to see or review...
Users: 1,828 Miniseries are increasingly in vogue on Netflix! After “Griselda”, there is another production of this format that has ascended to the throne! To...
Users: 156 The biggest artist in the world, Taylor Swift, is almost coming to Disney+! Her iconic tour The Eras Tour already has a premiere...
Users: 77 Christopher Nolan revealed that the first person to see “Oppenheimer” was one of the biggest names in American cinema. “Oppenheimer” is the most...
Users: 0 STAR Life celebrates Valentine’s Day a day early. Today you can’t miss a range of romantic films to watch with your partner. Throughout...