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Hideo Kojima will return to the spy and action genre with the game Physint



A Sony Interactive Entertainment and the Kojima Productions announced during the broadcast State of Play January 31st, Physint, a “next-generation spy action game.” Production will begin after the launch of Death Stranding 2: On the Beachhowever, no systems beyond the PlayStation 5. At the end of the ad video it seems to suggest the involvement of Columbia Picturesthe film production and distribution company of Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group.

Hideo Kojimathe producer and director of Physint commented the following:

It will be a new and original IP, a next-generation action and espionage game. Preparations are already underway, but production will only begin in earnest at Kojima Productions after Death Stranding 2. We have extensive experience with Sony and have developed the spy genre together for almost 30 years. Plus, Sony doesn’t just make games, but also music and movies. It will, without a doubt, be a strong collaboration. In two years, I will celebrate the 40th anniversary of my career as a game producer. I am confident that this title will be the culmination of my work. I can’t tell you much right now, but we plan to bring together cutting-edge technology and talent from around the world to create it. Of course it’s an interactive game, but it’s also a film at the same time, in terms of visuals, story, theme, cast, representation, fashions and sound. With this title, we hope to transcend the barriers between cinema and video games.

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