One of the greatest advances in modern medical science that saved lives was the ability to detect bodily abnormalities early. Whether it’s something simple, like a small cough, or something potentially dangerous, like a developing tumor, detecting health complications early gives you much more time to put a plan into action and remedy the problem before it develops. really get out of control. Samsung announced a new feature that allows it to detect irregularities in one of its most vital organs: the heart. It’s definitely great news for anyone who has a Galaxy Watch!
There’s great news for anyone who has a Galaxy Watch!
Samsung announced that Irregular Heart Rhythm Notifications (or IHRNs) are coming to the Health app available on Galaxy Watch devices. The functionality was being tested in the United States and South Korea. This was because it was awaiting approval from the respective health bodies, which has now been granted.
In the very near future, it will be possible to detect heartbeat irregularities in several countries.

The new Irregular Heart Rate Notification system in the Health app works in conjunction with other metabolic detection services already in the app that monitor aspects such as heart rate, heart rate and blood pressure. The IHRN system silently monitors vital signs in the background while the app is running and, if any irregularities are detected, notifies you immediately. Although atrial fibrillation is not always a cause for immediate concern, it can mean the possibility of a stroke or heart disease, so being aware of it immediately can save lives.
This function may be defective on Galaxy Watch devices going forward. Furthermore, it will be included in the launch of the new One UI 5 Watch. It should arrive later this year, and will be backwards compatible with Watch after that.